Born 1963 in USA. Currently works and lives in U.K. He graduated from Chelsea College of Art, London receiving MA in Combined Media and from Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, U.S.

He works across different media and disciplines producing works which range from sound-based (from an electronic opera to cyber music) to video, film, and installation. He has received many international awards including Prix Arts Electronica in Linz, Austria, 1997 in the category of electronic music;  Research and Production Grant from London Arts Board, residency in ARTEC, London and commission from ICA, London.

author's text for the catalogue:

Guy walks into a bar with two sheep on his head. Walks up to the bartender, says "Gimme a vodka tonic." Bartender's seen a lot of crazy shit, so he tries to ignore it. Makes the guy the drink. Puts it down in front of him.

Guy takes a sip, and stares down into the ice cubes. Bartender's trying to act normal, but finally, it's too much for him.

"Listen buddy, I know it's none of my business, but how can you come in here and have a drink like it's nothing, when you're walking around with two sheep on your head?"

"Aww, Mac, you don't know the half of it!". Guy looks over both shoulders, then leans down on the bar, kinda whispering. "See this sheep on the left?"

Bartender nods. Sheep just looks around like it doesn't know it's there. "That sheep, she's the greatest. Everything I ever wanted in a ewe."

Bartender's nodding.

"And you see this one on the right?"

Sheep just looks around.

"Well, see, I'm in love with her."

Bartender's getting the picture. "What you're saying then is, the sheep on the left, she's sweet, kind, loving, treats you like a king, right?"

Guy's like "yep, yep".

"And the sheep on the right, she fucks like an animal and treats you like a dog, but you just keep going back for it?"

Guy's amazed. "Mac, that's it exactly! How'd you know?"

Bartender's like, "Hey, I'm a bartender. I've seen it before."

Two of them sit there for a minute, contemplating.

Bartender says, "Buddy, you still didn't answer my question. I know you got a problem, but how the hell can you come in here for a vodka with two sheep on your head?"

Guy looks at the bartender, looks at his drink, looks at the bartender again. "Mac, if you had two sheep on your head, you'd drink too."

charles kriel, london 1999